Friday, August 17, 2012

Sleeping Dogs Out

I'm going to indulge myself for a moment, and post some positive reviews of Sleeping Dogs' story. I spent a long time working on it, and trying to keep the tone and characters true to the vision. It was sometimes pretty hard going dealing with the politics at Activision (to put it mildly), but I think it came out alright in the end.

Props to UFG for giving me my credit even though I'm not working there any longer (this isn't standard policy in the industry, which is frankly slimy as all hell). Further props to Jeff O'Connell for name checking me in this interview. Thanks man, I appreciate it!

Also thanks to Eddie and his crew in Hong Kong. You guys were phenomenal, and you can take credit for a big chunk of any authenticity Sleeping Dogs might have.

Here's what some people have been saying about my work:

"Sleeping Dogs’ story is by far its strongest quality... it’s a gripping drama. It feels real. You wonder what’s going to happen, whether Shen will finally go over the edge or what. Wanting to know what was next was what kept me playing."

"Sleeping Dogs’ melee combat and gunplay provide plenty of thrills, the driving is extraordinarily fun... but at the end of my nearly 20-hour experience, none of that mattered to me as much as the story did. It’s that story, coupled with rock-solid mechanics and a task-heavy world that sets Sleeping Dogs apart from its competition."

"Characters more integral to the storyline are just as charming as the city they dwell in.... Dialogue is straight and to the point. Nothing felt like excess fat."

"Sleeping Dogs’ story serves as the perfect wrapper for the wealth of game mechanics, offering up memorable characters and moving tale of vengeance, betrayal, and conflicting loyalties."

"Gameplay and the writing are deep and engaging from start to finish"

"...solid voice acting and writing that convincingly blends English and Cantonese make it a narrative that's more than capable of supporting the gameplay, providing context for many a dramatic mission and building up to a cathartic climax..."

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